Hot - cold. Light - dark. Up - down. You’re familiar with opposites and we make a point to learn and teach them to young children, but as we grow the need to review opposites appears obsolete. This shall not be the case to preserve right thinking.
One Sunday morning I was singing in my church a familiar lyric and by the movement of God’s good Spirit I have been beckoned to meditate on it for days.
When Satan tempts me to despair…
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Why silence? Jesus did it. (Mark 1:35 is one of many examples) In the context of a person of faith in Jesus Christ silence is a form of prayer. You can’t have a conversation with another person and be the only one speaking. Silence is part of the relationship, the communication, and prayer is simply a conversation between two beings.
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Snuggling with my 5 yo on my lap I glanced out the window to see a red truck park by the tree in our front yard. It looked like white smoke in the front cab. My initial thought was smoking or hot boxing, not abnormal for many in our area. Moments later a man jumped out of the front seat and immediately the flames broke out. The driver ran away while I sprinted downstairs to inform my husband. We called 911. The fire was put out. No one was hurt. My kids were both shaking from fear and excitement because a fire truck, ambulance, and police motorcycle in front of your house resembles Christmas more than you’d think.
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Few places leave me with a perma-smile. Airports are wonderful. It’s easy to get caught up in the buzz all around, coffee’s faithful scent to those gleefully addicted, and the anticipation of something new or at least a trip worth repeating. I love traveling.
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Often a confusing question posed to children, this phrase is powerful, biblical, and a fair ask. So as not to confuse simply ask, "Do you believe Jesus is your Savior?"
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