Why silence? Jesus did it. (Mark 1:35 is one of many examples) In the context of a person of faith in Jesus Christ silence is a form of prayer. You can’t have a conversation with another person and be the only one speaking. Silence is part of the relationship, the communication, and prayer is simply a conversation between two beings.
Silence provides you the opportunity and privilege to listen to more than the rubbish that follows you throughout the day and the lies you tell yourself. Silence is the gift of awareness and the challenge of humility. The practice is nearly lost in today’s culture and we wonder why we’re exhausted, overcommitted, selfish, and unhealthy. We don’t have the mental capacity to think clearly and, more importantly, to listen.
Listening is respectful. Listening demonstrates a level of humility. Listening is a discipline.
We can’t become better listeners to our neighbors, our families, our coworkers, our friends, or our LORD if we don’t close our mouths and silence our minds. It takes practice. It is hard work. More often than not we will fail, but we must not give up. Get time alone. Sit quietly. If necessary, make a list of what runs through your mind. Empty it.
Silence is too great a reward. When we practice listening we remember we must not always be heard. Pausing life and suspending our thoughts grants us space to move, make changes, reflect. Silence calms the spirit and gives permission for the Spirit to disrupt our day.
Will you pursue silence today? Our world needs it. Your body needs it. The Lord is waiting to meet you for He is worthy to be heard.