One must pray if a relationship with God will ever blossom. Below are a few variations of prayer.. Feel free to explore and use if helpful.
When minds wander and noise intrudes it’s helpful to have guidelines for our prayer times. Below is a popular method of prayer that provides structure and shape to a practice that can be overwhelmingly flexible and daunting.
Begin with ADORATION. Finish this sentence:
God You are…
Why silence? Jesus did it. (Mark 1:35 is one of many examples) In the context of a person of faith in Jesus Christ silence is a form of prayer. You can’t have a conversation with another person and be the only one speaking. Silence is part of the relationship, the communication, and prayer is simply a conversation between two beings.
In prayer I often start with the mind and work my way down to the soul believing it to be the deepest, most spiritual connection we have to God. Often are souls are what we battle in silence. We may not even be aware our souls are being stirred, but indeed, they are real, the feelings run deep, and they seem to be more connected to the Eternal than the rest of us.
How is your spirit?
Anxious? Hardened? Abrasive? Peaceful? Our spirits are not always pure and most of the time ignored. Scripture tells us we should attend them as we do any other part of our body.
See your heart for what it is, allow God to cleanse it from what it should not be, and live another day redeemed for God’s worship and service.
Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?”
Our minds have a tendency to wander throughout the day and many times we begin to think negatively, believe lies, or at a minimum cloud the truth. What we allow ourselves to think can bring us life or death. Take a moment to evaluate your mind in the Lord's presence.
It began when I become a mom, the urge to pray over someone’s entire self. There was a never a time I was losing control because one can’t lose something he/she never had in the first place. Coming to grips with the truth I cannot control what happens to another was unnerving. Prayer was my only option. God is good. (Ps 136:1) God hears our prayers. (I John 5:14) This is all anyone needs to know. When I don't know where to begin or if my motives are pure I let the Bible lead me. So when I pray for my children and my spouse it goes something like this: