It began when I become a mom, the urge to pray over someone’s entire self. There was a never a time I was losing control because one can’t lose something he/she never had in the first place. Coming to grips with the truth I cannot control what happens to another was unnerving. Prayer was my only option. God is good. (Ps 136:1) God hears our prayers. (I John 5:14) This is all anyone needs to know. When I don't know where to begin or if my motives are pure I let the Bible lead me. So when I pray for my children and my spouse it goes something like this:
Lord, have mercy on his/her mind. May he/she take captive every thought and make it obedient to You. (2 Corinthians 10:5) May he/she dwell on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, excellent, admirable, praiseworthy, let him/her think of such things. (Phil 4:8) Keep his/her mind on things above, not on earthly things. (Col 3:2)
We give you his/her eyes. May no vile thing be set before them. (Ps 101:3) Instead, may he/she fix his/her eyes on You, Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. (Heb 12:2)
May our mouths sing your praises, God. (Ps 47:6) May we speak truthful things with loving words. (Eph 4:15) Let him/her sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs along, words that are uplifting to those around him/her out of thanksgiving for what You have done. (Col 3:16)
Let our ears hear Your voice. May he/she discern truth from lies and be familiar with The Good Shepherd when He speaks. (John 10:14, 27)
Our hearts, deceitful and sinful by nature, can be washed clean. (Jer 17:9) May it be so, Jesus. Create us him/her a pure heart and renew a right spirit, Lord. (Ps 51:10)
May he/she remember you did not create him/her with a spirit of fear or timidity. Rather, Lord, let him/her live up to the spirit of power, love, and self-discipline - the ability to make good choices. (2 Tim 1:7)
We submit to You his/her soul, something that we know is there, but hard to explain. May his/her soul long for You as deer longs for water. (Ps 42:1) May his/her soul not be discouraged, but know You are enough for You are his/her portion. (Ps 42:5) Because of this, let us obey Your Word. (Ps 119:57)
We life up his/her hands now. May his/her hands be generous like the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1-4) and kind like the good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37)
And finally, his/her feet, Lord. May they be considered beautiful bringing the Good News of Jesus to those who have not heard. (Isaiah 52:7)
Jesus, from Scripture we know power comes from you. (Matt 28:18) We submit this body to You asking for healing for the sick parts, change for the sinful, and hope in this life and forever. Thank You, Lord, for hearing us now. Amen.