Hot - cold. Light - dark. Up - down. You’re familiar with opposites and we make a point to learn and teach them to young children, but as we grow the need to review opposites appears obsolete. This shall not be the case to preserve right thinking.
One Sunday morning I was singing in my church a familiar lyric and by the movement of God’s good Spirit I have been beckoned to meditate on it for days.
When Satan tempts me to despair…
For most people churched or otherwise, we know God’s enemy is Satan. From Scripture we know Satan is a fallen angel after pride overtook his own soul and he was cast from heaven. We know Satan is good looking, appealing in nature, but deadly. He prowls like a lion seeking to destroy. He desires the very opposite things of God. (Ezekiel 28, 1 Peter 5:8, John 10:10)
Read the Bible and you’ll see the Lord values humility. While Jesus’ sacrifice displays the highest degree of beauty his appearance was nothing extraordinary. Unlike His enemy, Christ is life-giver and offers life abundant. (Phil 2:3, Isaiah 53:2, John 10:10)
This particular Sunday morning I was tempted to despair over an overwhelming sense of loneliness and misunderstanding. I was jerked out of my negative spiral when I realized this was Satan cheering me into misery for, indeed, it loves company. But God… (aren’t those the best words put together?)
But God, by His grace, reminded me He is opposite of His enemy. Do you know the opposite of despair? HOPE. Let that wash over you. Hope.
When you’re tempted to believe the lie that you are alone your HOPE is knowing God will never leave you or forsake you.
When you’re tempted to believe the lie you aren’t good enough your HOPE is knowing God exercises His power despite your weakness.
When you’re tempted to believe the lie there is no other way your HOPE is knowing God provides time and time again.
Your HOPE is knowing GOD.
When Satan tempts you to despair, practice your opposites.
“I lift my eyes to the hills from where does my hope come? My hope comes from the LORD, Maker of heaven and earth.” -Psalm 121:1