Nourishment has been an important topic over the last twenty years with diabetes on the rise and obesity at its all time high. Nutrition seems to have different meanings depending on the spokesperson and diet trends have never known such success.
Sometimes I wonder what happened to food. Did our grandparents think so much about what they put on the table? Maybe. Maybe not. Some may argue that’s why we’re in the mess we’re in with cancer running rampant and allergies that invade every classroom. Let’s not claim to know all the answers today. Instead, let’s think about a different kind of nourishment.
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I wrote a letter to someone once. It wasn’t a pleasant letter to be writing and frankly, one I didn’t approach as prayerfully as one should. A friend ten years my younger was struggling with drug addiction, chronic lying, and had just given up a child. I was watching this girl hurt her mother, also my friend. I let anger dominate the pen as I advised, “Tread lightly for a mother’s grace will run out. Turn to God before it’s too late because His grace never will.”
I regret those words.
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It began when I become a mom, the urge to pray over someone’s entire self. There was a never a time I was losing control because one can’t lose something he/she never had in the first place. Coming to grips with the truth I cannot control what happens to another was unnerving. Prayer was my only option. God is good. (Ps 136:1) God hears our prayers. (I John 5:14) This is all anyone needs to know. When I don't know where to begin or if my motives are pure I let the Bible lead me. So when I pray for my children and my spouse it goes something like this:
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When minds wander and noise intrudes it’s helpful to have guidelines for our prayer times. Below is a popular method of prayer that provides structure and shape to a practice that can be overwhelmingly flexible and daunting.
Begin with ADORATION. Finish this sentence:
God You are…
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Light is beautiful. A good fall fire dances after dusk. Christmas lights twinkle in the evening.
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