A Month in Proverbs

Spend the next thirty-one days reading through the thirty-one chapters of Proverbs, one of the most commonly read wisdom books of the Bible. Each week you'll find my personal reflections from the exercise as well. Please feel free to leave comments, questions, or thoughts from your reading as you go.

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Psalm 1

Psalms is a captivating book in Scripture overflowing with emotion, devotion, and vulnerability. Psalm 1 is the inspiration for my tattoo and the title and purpose of BaringRoots. Over the next week I invite you to ponder a different verse each day in your time with God.

Day 1 Read the psalm in its entirety

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Worthy of our Praise

Have you ever gone through a time of such great uncertainty you were paralyzed by fear? Did you ever fear the unknown so much you felt like you couldn’t control your thoughts or reality in front of you? Have you ever been so down, discouraged, beat up, tossed aside or condemned to the point of wanting to run and hide?

I have not necessarily felt these things to this extreme before, but a few people dear to me have more recently. Today I reflect not on the negative feelings, fear, or even rejection, but on the glorious deliverance and grace of God. Throughout this magnificently tough time for friends of mine (and no I will not be going into details) they have been steadfast in their prayers, reaching to God and friends for support, faith and hope. After almost two years of struggle the Lord saw fit to deliver them from the dark clouds of suffering and sorrow that hung over them. He saw fit to remove them and place them in His light. After watching their conduct and walking through some times in the shadows with them God has reminded me He is worthy of our praise.

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