Relinquishing Control

Some people flatter me by saying I’m disciplined. It’s true, in the morning I make a list of what I need or want to get done along with a timeline for it all so I can prioritize what need(s) will get done before work. Before I leave my job I often make a list of what else I’d like to finish before Mike gets home as to better plan my time. Time management is important to me. Scheduling everything forces me to stay on task and releases any frustration I may have if I don’t get everything done. Unfinished tasks are then not a source of irritation because I failed to see them or forgot; I’m able to see I simply did not have enough time. There’s some insight into my neurotic head of mine that you didn’t really want to see, but I wanted to share. (By the way, I have one hour and nine minutes to finish this reflection according to my morning schedule.)

As I was praying this morning asking the Lord for direction He impressed upon me the constant desire and ability for control.

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Proverbs and Discipline

Around Christmas the Lord challenged me to read through Proverbs. There are 31 chapters in this particular book of the Bible, which makes for a natural timeline of one month to complete it. I have been mostly faithful in reading a chapter a day and blown away by how many verses I want to commit to memory and pass on to any children in my life.  At first I limited myself to one verse out of each chapter, but due to the rich material I am left with meditating on a chapter a day with intentions to go through it again and again. For one verse per chapter is not sufficient for life change.

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Jesus is our Love Child

I know what you might be thinking, “how disrespectful to call Jesus your love child!” Maybe. Before you jump to judgments and conclusions though please let me explain because He’s your love child too. Remember that night? 

Generally the birth of a child is greatly received. There are visits from loved ones, balloons, flowers, treats shared, gifts, free meals, time off of work, and many other perks. There is great anticipation waiting for a child to be born. Excitement is not lacking and there always seems to be plenty of encouragement and support to go around. This does not explain the birth of Jesus; this does not explain Christmas. 

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The third candle of the Advent season is typically the peace candle. A simpleton might consider peace the absence of war or conflict, but that is quite limiting. The peace candle of Advent reminds us there is a deeper meaning.

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