Psalm 1

Psalms is a captivating book in Scripture overflowing with emotion, devotion, and vulnerability. Psalm 1 is the inspiration for my tattoo and the title and purpose of BaringRoots. Over the next week I invite you to ponder a different verse each day in your time with God.

Day 1 Read the psalm in its entirety and let the Lord mark you in whatever area He sees fit. Reading it through several times may help.

Day 2 Reread verse 1. Take a few moments in your day to reflect on the unhappiness that comes when we listen to the wicked, follow the steps of sinners or immerse ourselves with the fellowship of the scoffers. What's the opposite that would bring happiness?

Day 3 Read Psalm 1:1-2. Confess to the Lord what you meditate on day and night. Ask Him to redirect your thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5) for Him and His Word.

Day 4 Read Psalm 1:1-3. Are you bearing fruit or withering? What type of fruit? What nourishment are your roots finding? Reflect on what it means to have your roots fed by streams of water. Bare your roots to God. Expose them for what they are and then reach deeper still.

Day 5 Read Psalm 1:1-4. Go outside and close your eyes. Allow yourself a moment to feel the wind around you. Is it gentle? Soft? Strong? Loud? Where's the debris in your life that needs to be blown away?

Day 6 Read Psalm 1:1-5. Meditate on the word righteous. Let God bring images, words, or phrases to mind. What does it mean to be righteous? Who do you know that is righteous? Take several moments to acknowledge God as the Righteous Judge.

Day 7 Read Psalm 1. Write down the truths and promises of this passage and picture God's eyes on you.