
A testimony is simply to tell a story of what God has done. This may include the moment one comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus as Lord and Savior or recalling a time God provided, helped, or showed up.

In short my testimony consists of God's constant pursuit of my soul throughout my life. God has been a craftsman, always carving out opportunities for me to get to know Him better. I enjoyed a nurturing upbringing where family ate dinner together every night and closed the evening with Scripture and prayer. God reserved for me opportunities to grow alongside leaders in local churches for youth groups, search committees, and worship services. In 2001 God set aside a Saturday night where I heard the stories of Shane Claiborne's service with Mother Teresa in Calcutta. At that service I came to understand the invitation of Jesus as Savior. Two years later He sent me to Turkey to explore the seven churches of Revelation and stored up a month and half to spend with me in an orphanage in Honduras. The Lord then carved out a marriage for Michael and me, a place to see our sin reflected and a safe place to grow in forgiveness and Christ-likeness. In 2005 He gave me two weeks in Nigeria traveling to villages with a dear mentor sharing Jesus and learning prayer. When student loans screamed loudly at our bank account after college graduation God provided the Kern Foundation to pay for three years of full tuition for me to go to seminary and obtain my masters degree. Since then He whittled for me two weeks to serve in Calcutta, India and two children who sharpen my prayer life and expose more imperfections for Jesus to cover. These are just a few testimonies of what God has done in my life. His handiwork does not stop and my soul continues to long for a deeper relationship with my Lord.

Please comment and share a testimony of what God has done for you.