Christianity: A Ridiculous Faith

I started my morning at the kitchen table praying. When I was finished I asked God to tell me what He wanted me to reflect on, considering He knew who would be reading this. As I sat talking aloud to a God who is unseen I couldn’t help but giggle. If someone who did not know Jesus were watching me, they’d think I was ridiculous! I was speaking to no one, as far as they knew, and I was getting responses! Picturing the conversation that would follow with the onlooker, I came to the peaceful decision that Christianity is a ridiculous faith that I whole-heartedly believe.

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Life Isn't Fair

Most of the time we hear this common complaint from young children when one child gets a bigger piece of cake than the other. Maybe as an adult you’ve used this phrase when a co-worker receives a bigger raise than you did last year “and they do half the work.” As parents we use this phrase as a teaching moment for our kids when they complain and our only response that makes sense enough for them to be quiet is to say, “Well honey, sometimes life just isn’t fair.” Is this truth or a myth?

I started paging through the Bible this morning thinking about how much waiting goes on throughout Scripture. People wait on people. People wait on God. God waits on people. There is a lot of waiting. Then I started thinking about how some people don’t have to wait, or maybe some people get to see the things they wait for and others don’t. For those who don’t get to see, there had to be a legitimate reason, right? God is not so frivolous with children as we are that His explanation of these things is simply “life isn’t fair”, is He? 

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Thirsty for Transformation

I truly don’t know if the Lord has one idea for me to write on this week. Usually He affirms an idea or gives me a clear picture and lots to think about, wrestle through and reflect on and this morning I seem bogged down by the idea. Duty is running through my head more than joy in sharing. This should not be so. However, I do love the challenge of writing, especially a reflection every week. It’s an opportunity for me to open my eyes to what the Lord is doing and showing me throughout my days. With this pathetic introduction I will simply share with you my reflection on what the Lord has been showing me. 

While I’m in the Word daily, praying daily (and throughout the day), singing His praise, and meditating on occasion, I am still thirsty for God. I’m not sure if my soul is not connecting whole-heartedly or if I am distracted. Regardless of the reason I am not pleased and neither is my Lord. I want to connect; I need to connect in order to become more like Him.

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I was reading in Numbers 11...

Numbers isn’t a very popular book in the Old Testament. Most of the text is counting; who would’ve thought? Still, in the midst of the mundane there is a memorable exchange between God and the Israelites as they continued in the wilderness.

After delivering the Israelites from slavery in Egypt God’s people spent 40 years wandering until they were led to the Promised Land. You may wonder what took them so long, but if you read the first five books of the Bible you’d see there was constant rebellion and consequences postponing their beautiful reward. In Numbers 11 we find Moses and the Israelites just leaving Mount Sinai where they received the 10 Commandments and were led by a cloud of fire, representing God. A measly three days into their journey the Israelites start complaining yet again. This time it’s because they are craving meat like they had when they were slaves. Apparently eating manna every day all day can get old! 

There are three interesting and noteworthy elements in this chapter that I’d like to highlight regarding God and His people. But first, let’s get familiar with the story.

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When I ask the Lord what he wants from me in a certain situation I typically get the answer “be faithful to Me.” Simple, yet complex.

In recent weeks, the Lord has been pressing on me His desire for me to remain faithful to Him in all that I do. For me that can get broken down into several areas: with Him, in His Word, at work, with my writing, in my marriage and as a person of faith. Within all these areas it’s easier for me to focus and break it down to faithfulness in one area at a time. Before I consider that though, it’s always beneficial to search the Scriptures to learn about faithfulness and to test if what I heard was indeed from the Lord.

To begin, we should know the God who is asking for us to be faithful is faithful Himself.

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